Skill Development Coach


Written by SKILL DEVELOPMENT COACH | Jun 15, 2018 7:00:00 PM


It's July. Brutal. Middle of the summer. 101 degrees. No shade. 5 workouts scheduled. 90 minutes each. Always 90 minutes. Even to this day. Never 60. $40 a session. And if you bought 5 in advance, you saved $15. $185 for 5 sessions.

What a steal!

First session at 9 AM. Next session at 10:30. Lunch at noon. Then back to back to back.

It's 6 O'Clock.

Your t-shirt is nothing but soot. Nowhere left to wipe the sweat. 

You gotta get these kids better. 

And you're going to keep working at it to learn how to best teach them. You don't care about pros or money. You care about the next kid. That's what matters. What are you gonna do for the next kid? And remember how hard you worked for that money. Don't spend it on useless crap.  

When the sweat from the day mixed with dirt from grind and the sun finally relents. That smell of charcoal mixed with sweat arrives. A smell that only a real basketball player knows.

You're still standing. Alone. Working on your game. Developing a real basketball training business.

More and more players will be coming.

You will need to improve every day.

So you keep working at it. 

Read about why you train basketball players.