If you only had 5 minutes to work on ball handling skills
Aug 12, 2018 12:14:00 PM |
Basketball ball handling skills,
basketball skill development,
skill development,
basketball player development,
basketball skills,
ball handling,
Ball handling skills,
training basketball players,
guard skills,
basketball coordination,
basketball crossovers
Here is what you should do… (just for 5 minutes today!)
- 1 Minute of pound between the legs
- 4 minutes of 2 ball inside outs.
That 2 ball inside outs are… SUPER IMPORTANT!!!
Here’s why: the inside out is the set up move that you are going to need to use in a variety of situations:
- INSIDE OUT… go by!
- INSIDE OUT… between the legs!
- INSIDE OUT… crossover!
- INSIDE OUT… crossover… back between the legs!
- INSIDE OUT… behind the back!
It’s all inside the Periodic Table of Basketball Skills!
Can you master this skill on The Periodic Table of Basketball Skills?
Remember what we say at SDC...
Master the Table... Master the Game!
And the rest comes easy.
Start to become the player that you can become.