how to use the step through to score in basketball

This is a great one.

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A better way to Learn how to play basketball

The basketball marketplace has been saturated with content - most of it, completely useless. Think about all of the times that you have searched for something. All of the times that you have...

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Learn the Science, develop the Art.

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how to learn all of the crossovers in basketball

How many crossovers are there in basketball? 

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How to score with either hand off of either foot on either side of the basket!

No more of this “left hand on left side, right hand on right side."

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If you only had 5 minutes to work on ball handling skills

If you only had 5 minutes to practice your ball handling today, what would you do today?

Here is what you should do… (just for 5 minutes today!) 

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How many v's to crossovers can you do in 30 seconds?

How many v’s to crossovers can you do in 30 seconds?

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How basketball players can improve their weak hand

Most players are 30-40% weaker with one hand than the other. Some as much as 50% weaker. It’s going to be tough to be a great basketball player if you are not as good at dribbling with one hand as...

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How basketball players get better with the basketball

Everyone wants to handle the ball, shoot the ball, pound the ball!...  

But before you do any of that, you have to be STRONG WITH THE BALL! 

There are specific techniques that you should be using in...

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How to conduct basketball tryouts

You want to give everyone a fair shake? 

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